At TWO Services we are committed to ethical sourcing in our procurement and have a no tolerance of modern slavery in any form in our own business. This result in us not using any forced or compulsory labour, and / or labour held under slavery in any of its forms. TWO Services complies with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 in its entirety and we therefore work with our suppliers and potential suppliers to identify and manage areas of risk in our purchases.

We are committed to:

  1. Ensure that we and our suppliers comply with the Modern Slavery Act, the International Labour Organisation’s core conventions and the UN Global Compact as well as local labour laws and regulations.
  2. Raising awareness of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking by providing free guidance and training to all its employees and suppliers.
  3. Working alongside our customers to comply with the Modern Slavery Act outside of the UK.

TWO Services expects our suppliers to:

  1. Comply with the Modern Slavery Act, the International Labour Organisation’s core conventions and the UN Global Compact as well as local labour laws and regulations.
  2. Support and respect the legal diversity of all societies social, political and cultural and protect internationally proclaimed human rights.
  3. Uphold the freedom of relationships and the effective appreciation of the right to collective bargaining.
  4. Declare prohibit all kinds of forced, bonded and involuntary prison labour where we can.
  5. Employ no child labour, in line with minimum age laws within the countries our suppliers operate.
  6. Train and educate employees and within our organisation to understand the risks of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking and therefore make purchase with organisation that do comply with the acts relating to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.
  7. Develop a clear process for reporting unethical activity that is communicated throughout your business.
  8. Conduct frequent due diligence supplier checks for our suppliers to ensure they comply with Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking laws and regulations.
  9. Implement an improvement plan to support ongoing commitment towards the Modern Slavery Act 2015.